The Secret Behind Babel | Our Language Learning | Approach Is Built On | 3 Pillars

Success Always Behind The Smart Work Or Hard Work

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Why is Babbel so successful in teaching people foreign languages? Belen Caeiro from Babbel’s Product Marketing team claimed that there is a secret to the design of this app’s success.

Berlin is a multicultural city where you can frequently overhear discussions in dozens of different languages. One reason Berlin is the ideal location for Babbel’s headquarters is that there are 600 language enthusiasts crammed into a single five-story structure there. Babbel has staff members working on one well-known product in this industry that come from more than 60 different nations and speak more languages than you can count.

When I work here, I frequently get asked how Babbel is able to teach people new languages so effectively. I choose to have a conversation with our own bilingual Belen Caeiro to get an answer to this topic. She is the head of our Babbel Product Marketing team and is an expert on the app. She explained why using Babbel to learn a language is so successful in the following way.

Three pillars underlie Babbel’s success.

Belen said that she was fortunate in that her parents supported her in pursuing an international education. Before moving to Berlin, she lived in Spain, Singapore, the Philippines, the US, and the Netherlands. Her own experience convinced her that Babbel is the ideal setting for her.

For Belen, there is no question that in order to communicate with one another and incorporate new ideas into our way of thinking, we must learn new languages now, perhaps more than ever. The first pillar on which Babbel’s learning is built enables this.

1  :-  At Babbel, conversation is the center of everything

When we learn a new language, we do it to communicate with others. Our solution has a few unique features that enable that, says Belen. On her laptop, she opened the Babbel app and pointed to the list of available courses. In Babbel, we organize language learning content into pertinent areas. You’ll find cultural characteristics and the most frequent conversational themes from the outset, depending on the language. The top three items on the list are ordering meals, using public transit, and communicating your needs.

Belen notes that the learning material builds upon itself, making it simple to keep on track. 

However, you can also get started right away if you just want to review a few concepts. 

After selecting “next” for a lesson, Belen selects the microphone icon and says, “We use user feedback to continuously improve our product. 

We know that our users desire to perfect their pronunciation thanks to both the feedback we receive in meetups and our customer support team. 

They are assisted in doing that by our product’s speech recognition feature.

Belen stressed that communication is emphasized in all aspects of grammar instruction. 

Babbel is designed so that users can start a discussion in real life as soon as feasible. 

Babbel is less playful than other applications since it lacks the game-like elements that may make them more enjoyable. 

Belen remarked, “But that’s an obvious choice from our end.

 2  :-   Humans, Not machines, Are Our Experts

Our 150 language experts at Babbel are renowned for their unwavering commitment to sharing new languages and cultures. 

All of our professionals are multilingual, and the majority have experience instructing students in evening courses, universities, and schools. 

They encourage one another to take on new challenges, such as studying French in three weeks or sign language in a month. 

These ridiculous notions are nothing to laugh at: 

Even while our professionals greatly like meeting new problems, their major goal is to put themselves in the shoes of a student. 

We can only notice what is truly beneficial for learning in that way.

Babbel’s unique linguistic perspective is based on the connections that exist between many languages. 

For instance, compared to French and German, Italian and French share a great deal more in common. 

According to Belen, these parallels serve as learning “shortcuts”: “With Babbel, you learn efficiently since our language experts recognize these learning shortcuts and built them into the software.”

3:- Our user-oriented design keeps the emphasis on your learning 

The fact that the learning materials are customized to your specific needs is a benefit of using Babbel to learn a language. 

With Babbel, you always have access on the device of your choosing, even when offline if you download the lessons in advance, whether you’re a commuter or a night owl.

Our professionals continuously add new information to the product, enhancing it and ensuring that you receive a freshly prepared course. 

Belen is proud of the features inside the product as well as how it is user-oriented: “Your passion for learning is what drives your success later.” 

We’ve created a function that allows you to search for learning materials that are catered to your needs and objectives because of this.

Is your desire to learn a new language a journey? 

Here is our suggestion for the ideal lessons to take. 

Belen chuckled, “Of course it doesn’t end there. 

You’re never on your own to learn when you use Babbel.

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